
Int'l Student Deported for Unethical Urination in the Cafeteria

Dr. Terrence GBA Community 2024-01-29

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An unethical urination by an international student in a university cafeteria in Shenyang was captured on camera and posted on social media by another student.
Many students found this behaviour shocking and thought it posed a serious threat to both public morality and the university’s overall reputation.

He was reportedly kicked out of the university and will return by the end of June. Regarding Erwin’s disciplinary action:

In the start of the month of June , 2023, Erwin, an undergraduate student from the International Education College, urinated in the trash can at the area for recycling tableware while intoxicated and in a state of impaired consciousness during breakfast at the South Cafeteria.

In the “Student Handbook for International Students at Shenyang Aerospace University,” Chapter 8, Section 3, Item 9 (Page 39), it is stated that “international students are not permitted to consume excessive amounts of alcohol on or off campus.”

If drinking alcohol has a detrimental impact, disciplinary measures, such as warnings and expulsion, will be taken. After careful consideration, it has been decided that the student should be expelled from the university as a disciplinary sanction.

Source: the Internet
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Int'l Student Deported for Unethical Urination in the Cafeteria

Dr. Terrence GBA Community

